We are booked out for urgent reviews on Monday 21 October.

Terms and Conditions

If you use our website, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions.

  1. This website provides general information only and not legal advice. The use of this website, or any of its contents, does not create a solicitor-client or lawyer-client relationship. You acknowledge and agree that you do not rely on any of the contents of this website as legal advice.

  2. The information contained in this website is general in nature; it doesn’t pertain to your individual circumstances, and it may be outdated by recent changes to the law. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Ashmor Legal Pty Ltd makes no warranty or representation about the accuracy, completeness or fitness for any purpose of the contents of this website, or that this website is free of viruses that may be harmful or may assist in causing harm. To the maximum extent permitted by law, any condition or warranty regarding this website or its contents that would otherwise be implied (by statute or otherwise) into these terms and conditions is excluded.

  3. Any links that this website contains to other websites is for your convenience only. We do not control the content of those other websites or endorse them in any way.  To the maximum extent permitted by law, we make no warranties or representations regarding the content of those other websites and we exclude any liability to you in relation to that.

  4. You must only use this website for lawful purposes. You must take your own precautions to ensure that your access to this website does not expose you to viruses that may be harmful or may assist in causing harm.

  5. Copyright (2014-2024) in this website is expressly owned by Ashmor Legal Pty Ltd and Ashmor Legal Pty Ltd reserves all intellectual property rights in this website, to the maximum extent permitted by law. You must not in any way reproduce, publish, communicate or adapt any part of this website without our prior written approval. But you may communicate any part of this website to others (including via social media) for non-commercial purposes, provided you attribute copyright ownership to Ashmor Legal Pty Ltd.

  6. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Ashmor Legal Pty Ltd excludes all liability to you on any basis (including for negligence) for any loss or damage, however caused, which you may suffer in relation to your use of this website or any of its contents.

  7. To the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability of Ashmor Legal Pty Ltd in connection with this website under any statutory right (including any condition or warranty implied by law or any guarantee or other right under any statute) that by law is unable to be excluded, is limited at the option of Ashmor Legal Pty Ltd to the resupply of the relevant services or the payment of the cost of those services.

  8. These terms and conditions of use are governed by the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia. If any part of any of these terms and conditions is found to be void, then the voided part is deemed to be severed.

Updated: January 2024